General Commerce

Grow your sales,

fuel your dreams


Commercial transactions are the hustle and bustle that make up the bulk of the business. In order to remain competitive in this buy and sell marketplace, companies need to stay on-trend to meet demands while keeping  costs low.

Wholesalers and retailers alike, companies are facing challenges of  rising competition from the e-commerce landscape to increased rental and warehouse cost. To navigate around these challenges, businesses are taking steps to adapt to these constant and fast changes to capture a bigger share of the pie.

Whether you are exchanging goods, services or information, B2B or B2C, we have the right financing solutions for your business needs.

How these products can help companies in this industry

Trade financing solutions enables companies to finance goods and services in the flow of international trade and commerce. This is an essential means for companies to improve cash flow, while also mitigating non-receipts of goods and nonpayment.


SME Working Capital Loan under the Enterprise Singapore Government Assisted Scheme provides working capital and help companies manage their daily operational needs. 


Our Current Accounts enable your company to manage daily transactions seamlessly, while Fixed Deposits offer financial stability and growth opportunities, ensuring accessible capital and risk mitigation. These deposit products are essential for maintaining your financial stability and adaptability in this dynamic commerce sector.


Our PayNow & Mobile Banking (REFLEX) provides you with a secure and efficient digital payment platform to receive payments quickly and conveniently, enhancing customer experience by  streamlining financial transactions. 


With our expert team in a wide variety of commerce, we can help your company value-add to your business.

Connect with us to learn more!

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By clicking Submit, I consent to allow RHB Bank Berhad (RHB), RHB Group (including its holding company, subsidiaries and associated companies resulting from merger, sale, acquisition or restructuring) and any permitted third party by RHB to collect, use, disclose or transfer any information provided by me herein in Singapore or elsewhere for the products and services offered by RHB and as may be required by law, as the case may be.

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Receive payment for your goods while you wait for payment from the issuing bank.
Important Notice

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