Jumpstart your career and experience with RHB


Progress, for us all.

At RHB Singapore, customer experience is key. We believe that happy employees will naturally lead to happy customers. That is why the internal customer experience for our staff is equally important.

All of us at RHB Singapore are provided with a myriad of learning opportunities to grow and develop personally and professionally. We believe in an open and diverse work culture, welcoming people of various backgrounds to join us and contribute to our melting pot of talents.

We Care
We Lead
We Inspire
We Reward
We Progress

What They Say About RHB Singapore

Having colleagues who are driven and nurturing, definitely helped me in adapting to the working environment. Not just delegating work, more importantly they taught and explained the reason in doing the tasks. Working under the Product team, has made me grow in my soft and hard skills through their autonomous and amicable culture.


Hana Dafina
commercial Banking

Being part of the RHB Singapore team has been an eye opening experience in terms of equipping myself with new skills and learning how the bank’s operation functions. My supervisor and colleagues readily guided me throughout this experience and even bonded with me over team lunches. Overall, the people and work environment made my experience at RHB Singapore, a positive one!


Melinie Christopher
Operations - Credit Operations

My internship has been nothing but a very valuable and positive experience. It allowed me to glean into the ins and outs of the corporate world and the banking industry. I picked up valuable soft skills from my colleagues and applied the hard skills I’ve learnt in classrooms, at RHB Singapore. My experience has inspired me to be more like my supervisors, being a person that can forge a positive and cohesive environment despite the pandemic


Ng Qi Da
Retail Banking

The environment here is warm and welcoming. My colleagues are really friendly and are keen to guide me along on my journey. I am genuinely grateful that I am able to work in a comfortable environment with wonderful people around me!


Erica Lee
Operations - International Payment Operations

I have had an amazing time thus far working with caring and friendly colleagues in the Retail Banking Department. They have taught me to be more confident in my abilities and often encouraged me to be a part of their team. I am grateful to have had this opportunity.

Ryan Lek
Retail Banking

My internship with RHB Singapore was a fruitful experience. It enabled me to grow professionally through the unprecedented opportunity to play an integral role in all aspects such as facilitating a company-wide training course on Anti-Bribery & Corruption. Shout-out to my supervisor and my colleagues for their guidance! I will definitely miss the department lunch session and the family-like culture here!

Wang Jia Yi
Human Resource – Learning & Development

From the beginning, I was treated as a fellow colleague and not just an intern, where my views and opinions were respected. The team was patient as they guided me along the work processes and it was also a very lively department. Since we were taking charge of all marketing operations, I learnt the various aspects and strategies, where I got a good understanding of what marketing in a Financial sector could be like. Overall, it was an enriching and enjoyable internship!

Ching Jia Yi
Brand Marketing and Communications

My mentors are very knowledgeable in the field of retail banking and wealth management and they generously shared their insights and experiences. My colleagues were patient in providing their guidance that helped me to brave through the various challenging projects and I was able to pick up technical skills along the way. I really appreciate the collaborative and supportive work culture at RHB that focuses on coaching new joiners, like myself. Everyone is given the opportunity to share their ideas and learn from each other.

Ba Yue
Retail Banking


Discover Events at RHB

Town Hall
Fitness Friday
IT Walk
Dinner & Dance
Dance Session
Ex Award

Apply now to grow your potential

In line with our business expansion, we invite dynamic personalities who share our service commitments and a passion for growth to join us.