Privacy Notice & Cyber-Security Tips

RHB Bank Berhad (UEN No. S99FC5710J), (referred to in this Privacy Notice as ‘the Bank”, “RHB”, “we”, “us” or “our”) are committed to protecting your personal data. Please read this Privacy Notice as it sets out the measures taken by RHB in collecting, using, storing, disclosing and processing your personal data in the possession or control of RHB. By continuing to use the products and/or services of RHB and/or by visiting our website, you confirm that you understand and consent to the terms of this Privacy Notice.

Collection of Personal Data

Personal Data refers to any information, whether true or not, that can be used to identify an individual. We only collect personal data which we believe to be relevant and required to understand your financial needs and to conduct our business such as your name, identity number, address, phone number, gender, nationality, marital status, date of birth, passport number and expiration date, employment information, and email address. Your personal data collected by us may come from information provided by you or from transactions carried out by you with us. In addition, when you log into our website or to any software applications provided by us, we may automatically collect certain information about you in connection with your visit(s) to our site, such as the Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, your login information, browser type, time zone settings, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform.

Purpose for Collection, Use and Disclosure of Personal Data

The personal data collected by RHB will be used by RHB for any/all of the following purposes (“Purpose”):

(a) to process and provide the banking, financial or any products and/or services applied for or used by you;
(b) to communicate and to notify you of changes or developments of any products and/or services;
(c) to update and manage the accuracy of your personal data in our records;
(d) to prevent and detect fraud, money laundering and any other unlawful activity or misconduct or suspected fraud, unlawful activity or misconduct and for investigations conducted by the relevant authorities or regulators applicable to us;
(e) to assess and analyse including credit/lending/insurance risks/behaviour scoring/market and product analysis and market research;
(f) to communicate and ensure customer satisfaction, which may include conducting surveys/market research to improve the quality of our products and/or services;
(g) to manage feedback or complaints and to generally resolve disputes;
(h) for any actual or proposed assignee or transferee of RHB or participant or sub-participant of RHB to evaluate your transactions which are intended to be the subject of the assignment, participation or sub-participation;
(i) to cross-sell, market and promote products and/or services of the RHB Banking Group (which shall include its holding company, subsidiary(s), and any associated company(s), including any company as a result of any restructuring, merger, sale or acquisition) and its strategic alliances;
(j) for corporate events (including networking events, launching of products, etc)/contests, of which photographs/images of you may be captured and may be used for RHB’s publication;
(k) as may be required under laws and/or by agreements with government agencies or revenue authorities in Singapore or elsewhere, to make inquiries about your tax status;
(l) for compliance with external payment systems in Singapore or elsewhere;
(m)   for compliance with any regulatory requirements, laws and regulations, court orders in Singapore or elsewhere;
(n) to protect RHB Banking Group’s interests and other ancillary or related purposes; and
(o) for any other purpose as we may consider to be reasonably necessary or desirable in order to maintain or extend the banking relationship with you.


Disclosure and Sharing of Personal Data

We may share or disclose your personal data for the Purpose stated above, with/to our group of companies, strategic alliances, third party service providers, vendors including debt collection agencies, professional advisers, industry related associations, credit bureaus or credit reporting agencies and fraud prevention agencies, governmental agencies, other financial institutions and any of their respective agents, servants and/or such persons whether in Singapore or elsewhere. If we do share your personal data as hereinbefore mentioned, we will ensure that the party who receives your personal data have in place policies and procedures to maintain confidentiality of your personal data to prevent unauthorised access, use, or disclosure.

Transfer of Personal Data Outside Singapore

We may need to transfer your personal data outside of Singapore, whether to our group of companies, or strategic alliances or third party service providers or data storage facilities and before we do so, we will ensure that appropriate levels of protection necessary to maintain the security and integrity of your personal data are in place. We will ensure that we provide a standard of protection to personal data so transferred that is comparable to the protection under the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (“PDPA”).

Withdrawal of Consent

In the event that you do not wish for the Bank to continue using your personal data for the purposes stated herein, you may write in to the Bank to request the Bank to cease using your personal data. However, should you make such a request, the Bank may not be able to provide or continue to provide you with the products and/or services that you have signed up for and the Bank will assume that such withdrawal of consent as a request to terminate your relationship with us.

Do Not Call (DNC) - Marketing/Promotional Calls

You may request the Bank not to call you or send SMS/MMS to your Singapore registered telephone number, relating to any marketing or promotional activities without affecting your banking relationship with the Bank. If you do not wish to receive any calls or SMS/MMS from the Bank on any marketing or promotional activities, you may submit a written request to the Bank using the Bank’s prescribed form available at the Branches.

Access to Personal Data

You may request to access and/or correct your personal data by completing the prescribed forms available at our Branches. We may charge a reasonable fee for acceding to your request. In exceptional circumstances, we reserve the right to deny you access to your personal data and may provide an explanation as required by applicable laws.

Retention of Personal Data

Your personal data will be retained by us to the extent it is necessary to carry out the Purpose or to the extent such retention is necessary for legal or business purposes or required/permitted by applicable laws.

Accuracy of Personal Data

You shall ensure at all times that the personal data provided by you is complete, accurate and up to date. In the event of any changes or updates, you shall inform us promptly using and submitting the prescribed form for updating of personal data that is available at our branches.

Protection of Personal Data

We have put in place the necessary security, technical and organizational measures to ensure protection of your personal data. We will use all reasonable efforts to protect your personal data. However, you acknowledge that the use of the Internet is not entirely secure and for this reason we cannot guarantee the security or integrity of any personal data which is provided by you or to you via the Internet.

Updates to the Privacy Notice

This Privacy Notice may be updated or revised from time to time by us and you are encouraged to visit our website periodically for changes.

Use of “Cookies”

Your visit to this site may be recorded for analysis on the number of visitors to the site and general usage patterns. Some of this information will be gathered through the use of “cookies”. Cookies are small bits of information that are automatically stored on a person’s web browser in their computer that can be retrieved by this site. Should you wish to disable these cookies you may configure your browser to do so. However, if you remove cookies from your browser, some of our website features may not function.

Linked Web Sites

We or RHB Banking Group is not responsible for the contents available on or the setup of any other websites linked to the Bank’s website. Access to and use of such other websites is at your own risk and subject to any terms and conditions applicable to such access/use.

No Warranties

Whilst every care has been taken in preparing the information and materials contained in this site, such information and materials are provided to you “as is” without warranty of any kind either express or implied. In particular, no warranty regarding non-infringement, security, accuracy, fitness for a particular purpose or freedom from computer virus is given in conjunction with such information and materials.

Copyright, Trade Marks

RHB and other parties own the trade marks, logos and service marks displayed on this site and users are prohibited from using the same without written permission of RHB or such other parties.


This Privacy Notice came into effect on 1 July 2014 and is to be read together with the applicable Standard Terms and Conditions related to the products and/or services. If there is any conflict between the terms and conditions in this Privacy Notice with those in the Standard Terms and Conditions, the Standard Terms and Conditions shall prevail.

Questions and Feedback

If you have any queries or concerns relating to the Privacy Notice or for access, update and correction of your personal information, you may contact us by calling our 24 hours Customer Care Centre hotline 1800 323 0100 or email us at


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